A Glueless Lace Wigs is a combination wig with an adjustable band on the back and 4 wig combs on either side of the hat. With these amazing little things, a glueless wig cap can save you a lot of time to put on and maintain a natural look for everyday use. And this advanced tutorial will teach you how to create a completely natural hairstyle with your glueless lace wigs.
Step 1: Secure all your hair
The natural hair flattening is to make the head look more natural, making the wig look like your real hair that has grown out of the scalp. You can braid your hair in short cornrows or braid your head using gels and bobby pins.
Step 2: Apply your wig cap
With a Glueless Wigs cap or a stocking cap that can make your head look flatter, this soft cap will flatten your hair and help the wig stay in place. If you have little or no hair, skip this step.
Step 3: Test the fit of the wig
Before applying any adhesive, you need to ensure the wig fits properly. To do so, place the wig on top of your head and align it with your natural hairline.
Step 4: Trim and fix the lace
Once the wig has fitted, you cut the lace on the Glueless Human Hair Wigs, only for the first time using the wig. Next, using the sharp pinking shears, cut the lace along your natural hairline. This will only be done the first time you wear a wig.
Step 5: Apply the wig and slay your baby hair
Carefully pull the wig in. First, adjust the edges of the wig to match the hairlines. Next, adjust the back of the wig so that it hangs naturally over your hair.
Step 6: Style your hair
You can use regular brushes, hot styling tools, and hair products if your wig is human hair. But your wig is synthetic, you should not use regular brushes and hot styling tools. Instead, use a wide-tooth comb or wig comb to adjust your hair.